Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg

 With interwoven recipes and memories, Molly Wizenberg divulges her story, a memoir that blossoms from a blog she created in the aftermath of her father’s death. 

While the stories are splotchy little essays that capture only fragments of Wizenberg’s life, they are immensely powerful.  After reading the chapter, “La Boule Miche,” I immediately scurried to the kitchen and scrounged up a piece of salted dark chocolate and a leftover hunk of a baguette.  I suspect that I am not the only reader who has done this. 

I found myself reading entire paragraphs of this book out loud just to hear the delicious names.  The word ‘crumb’ is used here and there and always with a beautiful flourish.  You mustn’t scold yourself for being so moved by such a small word!  During the chapter, “Pickling Plant,” Wizenberg speaks of her husband’s pickling passion.  If you are a pickle fanatic and have not already made the leap into brine, this chapter will inspire you to take up pickling.

If you wake up each day for the splendor of breakfast or have flown to Chicago just for a slice of pizza, or if you find yourself using the business card of a revered sausage maker as a bookmark, this is your kind of book.  If you like a well-crafted essay with generous pats of strong adjectives and a sprinkling of well-placed commas, or are the type of person who is easily wooed by pickles, you will find a treasure in this splendid read.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Private History of Awe by Scott Russell Sanders

In A Private History of Awe, Scott Russell Sanders takes a thunderstorm and illustrates how it can dance across three generations.  Sanders not only spotlights the beauty and spectacle a thunderstorm can create, but also its rude and wild fury. 

This is one man’s deeply personal path of awe, a memoir of sorts, but mostly the story of how one soul can become so beautifully entangled in both life and death.

Throughout the story of Sanders’ life are these spectacular vignettes of his newborn grandchild as she embarks on her new path and his mother, who is at the end of hers, creating a richly dimensional portrayal of the blurred edges of life and death.

I was overwhelmed with Sanders’ spiritual landscape, how he was initially overcome by the poetry of the bible, but became disillusioned with its deliverance.  At certain moments in the book the reader is swept up in the beauty of the church, of Quaker ideals and the music of psalms, only to be suddenly caught in the muck of Sanders’ disgust and confusion concerning the violence and hypocrisy in the bible.  Sanders’ brazen vulnerability commands a response.  Whether you tuck his words away, or openly wear them for others to see, they’ll grow inside of you, perhaps a little like the mustard seed that clanks around in all of us.  It is very likely that awe and faith share a little camaraderie.   

I will leave you with my favorite quote:

“I would have been happy to save my soul – assuming it was salvageable – but I couldn’t accept that we were born into this world merely to angle for a favorable deal in the next one.  Surely there was work we should be doing right here, right now, in this amazing flesh and brimming instant.  Surely there must be some purpose in life larger than one’s own private salvation.  Surely the fate of one’s soul is bound up with the fate of one’s neighbors and neighborhood.”

More quotes to follow

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Carol Maguire

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Emil Nolde

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ted Harrison

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From O Canada

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Arthur Harry Church

Click to enlarge.

Mourning Widow

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Edmund Dulac

Click to enlarge.

The Entomologist's Dream

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rachel Pedder-Smith

Click to enlarge.

Bean Painting: Specimens From the Leguminsosae Family